Should you have any questions with regards to our fees, special offers and accepted insurance covers, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
First Chiropractic Visit
The price includes the Initial Consultation and the Report of Findings. A posture examination along with orthopaedic and neurological testing is performed on your first visit. Every vertebra of spine is thoroughly examined as well as the pelvic and hip joints to determine the cause of the problem.
Gait Scan
We take a whole body approach in which we are able determine how the use of orthotics can improve your response to our corrective techniques. We also use specific mobilisation and adjustment techniques to the feet and ankles to ensure that areas of restricted movement are released.
Custom Orthotics
This price includes the initial Gait Scan. Before your orthotics are sent off to be built, your scan results are checked thoroughly by PHD Biomechanics. This means that you can be rest assured that you are getting the very best product for your needs, with a full lifetime warranty.
Chiropractic Insurance
Chiropractic treatment is covered by all major insurance companies, including: